Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Cafe

I love coffee. Ask anyone that really knows me and they'll tell you how much I love it. So I am trying to make my kitchen look like a cafe. While poking around online I found some coffee iron on designs. So off to Joann's I go to see if they have them. A whole four dollars later (so much cheaper than my favorite hobby knitting) I have the iron ons, fabric and thread to sew some cafe squares for a wall quilt. The thread I found fades from one shade of brown to the next. Its so pretty! I almost have the first block done. Granted my sewing skills are needing some improving.
I'm also trying to convince my husband that he needs to make me a rack for my apron collection. Its so sad to see them hanging out of sight. If he makes it for me then when you walk in my back door you will be greeted by bright colorful aprons.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Make the rack! Make the rack! We like seeing colorful aprons!